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21 September 2012

Pc Hang Problem Solution

Some time you see your PC doesn’t working (it means hanged) it’s a very painful problem. When you face it you feel so bad about your PC. You can solve this problem very easily. To solve this you can take my help. Here I share a solution I thing it's very helpful.

Now start working: Follow these steps-

1.      First go to RUN menu ( Windows+R )
2.      Than write REGEDIT and press ENTER
3.      Now double click in Hkey_Current_User
4.      Now this folder will open. again double click in Control Panel 
5.      And now click in Desktop
6.      See right side you will see AutoEndTask click here.
7.      A dialog box will open give in Value Data1’
8.      Than press Enter/ Click OK and Restart you PC

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